At Hope Presbyterian, expect a warm welcome and an opportunity for authentic community.  We like living life together at Hope, and we hope you feel the same.

We are a multi-generational congregation with communing members from 8 to 80 years-old.  Our worship service is casual, reverent, and Scripture-saturated.  There's no need to get overly dressed or worry about children getting fussy in the worship service. We're here to worship God, not perform for Him.  A nursery is provided after the song portion of the service.  

During the service, you will have opportunities to participate as we sing, engage in responsive readings, and partake of the Lord's Supper together.  Members in good standing at a church where the gospel is preached are invited to join us in partaking of the Lord's Supper.

What to Expect at Hope


Do you have Children's Church?

No, we want to teach our children to worship alongside their parents in the community of faith.  However, there is a nursery for children 4 and under after the song portion of the service that includes, songs, games, and age appropriate instruction.

Aren't Presbyterians liberal?

Some Presbyterian denominations have become liberal in recent decades.  Hope Pres, however, is a conservative, evangelical, bible-believing Church committed to the historic Christian Faith.  See here for our beliefs.

I'm not Presbyterian, is that OK?

Yes!  Most of us at Hope did not grow up Presbyterian, and you don't have to subscribe to all of the tenets of Presbyterianism to be a member of Hope Pres.